I shared the first half of my 34 Before 34 birthday goals list with you the other day. Here’s the second half. I actually found it really difficult to set myself 34 goals to complete within the year. I had some lofty ideas but trying to narrow them down to what was actually doable in three next 12 months was where I had some difficulty.
- 18. Visit Kew Gardens – this is the same as Hampton Court. It’s so close really and I’ve never been.
- 19. Go back to Hogwarts – we went to Hogwarts a couple of years ago and since then they’ve added the Hogwarts Express and are opening another section at the beginning of next year. I really want to go back and have another look around.
- 20. Take Cecilia to see Father Christmas – she’ll be eight months old on Christmas Day and I know she won’t understand it for a year or two yet but I really want a photo of her a the big man. – Done
- 21. Go to the cinema four times – I used to love going to the cinema now it’s a huge treat. Finding someone to look after Cece for a few hours isn’t always the easiest thing. So I’m aiming for once every three months or so.
- 22. Go blonde again – my hair has been all of the colours under the sun. It’s currently a greyish blue colour. I’m starting to get a bit fed up with it and there are a variety of colours I quite fancy taking on but I’d quite like to give blonde a go again for a while.
- 23. Take more photos – and not on my phone. It’s all too easy to whip out our phones with their super snazzy swish cameras these days but I have a selection of cute and quirky cameras on the shelf that I want to get more use out of. I’ve even got a little Olympus boo on its way to me as a little bday gift from me to me and I want to get over this weird shyness I have over getting an actual camera out of my bag.
- 24. Go to the zoo – we were supposed to go to the zoo this weekend to celebrate my birthday but it fell through. I love the zoo, any zoo. I’m just like a massive kid when we get there in awe of everything so I definitely want to go at some point this year.
- 25. Up my social media game – I actually really like using Twitter and Instagram but am a horrifically sporadic poster. I’d love to hit 1000 followers on each of them. I know that’s hardly anything to some people but it’s a huge deal to me.
- 26. Eat at ten new to me places – I love going out to eat but I tend to get stuck in a rut and visit the same places over and over again. Hopefully this will encourage me to diversify a bit. – One
- 27. Get a new laptop – my laptop gave up the ghost a good while ago now and I took to using Tom’s little notebook thing instead. Then a while ago that died too but it was alright because I had a spare work laptop that I kept at home so I could work from home when I needed to. Now I’m leaving work soon I need to get myself together and get myself some new tech.
- 28. Make a video – I’ve toyed with the idea on and off for a while of making video content for my blog as well as written. I’ve made a couple of videos in the past that aren’t interviews but I’ve not been entirely happy with their quality. Here’s hoping I can make something that looks ok.
- 29. Go on holiday abroad – the last time we went away was when we went to New York and I’d not long found out I was pregnant. Although I had a brilliant time, I really struggled with morning sickness and tiredness so I didn’t enjoy quite as much as I could. As much as I’d love to go back to NYC this year I know it won’t be possible but a sunny holiday would be ace.
- 30. Run 5k. – I tried to do couch to 5k once before when Steph convinced me to sign up for a 10k! It was a ridiculous thing to think we could do and we never did but I’d love to try and reach 5k this year.
- 31. Have a make up lesson – I’ve got to the grand old age of 33 and have realised I have no idea what I’m doing really when it comes to whacking the slap on.
- 32. Cook something from scratch – I’m pretty lazy when it comes to cooking. I’m all about the jars of sauces and packet mixes. I want to try making something from scratch just to see if I can do it. I’m not the greatest cook.
- 33. Stop bedsharing – Cece has been going through a bit of a particularly clingy patch and won’t actually sleep unless she’s being held. So, I’ve given up and in order for anyone in the vicinity to get any sleep (she’s so loud) I’ve let her sleep in our bed.
- 34. Bake something that isn’t cakes or biscuits – I always bake cakes and biscuits and there’s a whole other world of baking out there that I ignore so I’m going to try to expand my repertoire.
There we go, that’s everything. I’ll keep you updated with my progress. Wish me luck!
I think this is such a great idea 🙂 I like how your goals are a bit different, not just like ‘swim with dolphins’ or something else generic! xxx
The perks of being a hipster –Burt’s Bees Giveaway!