Between power bills and rent increases, we’re all feeling the pinch of rising costs of living. Eco-friendly choices might be the last thing on your mind, but you may be surprised how much money you can actually save by reducing waste!
By taking small actions to reduce what you buy, re-use what you have, buy second hand, and avoid food waste, you can save hundreds if not thousands of pounds a year.
Another great way to reduce costs (and help the environment!) is by ditching disposables. While investing in some reusable options might cost a little more, you will save up in the long run.
Here are some of our favourite no-brainer swaps.
1 – Cling Film vs. Beeswax Wrap
Even with the best intentions of smoothing out and reusing clingfilm, it’s not the easiest thing to manage. If you’re buying a £1.50 box of clingfilm every month, you’re spending £18 / year. Not the highest number, but when you combine it with other expenses, then it piles up.
Switch to reusable beeswax wraps that will protect your food in the same way (only less toxic!). They can be used over and over again and come in a range of sizes. Plus, when you’re done with them, you can throw them into your compost bin.

Beeswax wraps, Fruit, 3 pack (2 x Medium, 1 x Large), £12.50
2 – Bottled Water vs. Refillable Water Bottle
You already pay to have water available in your kitchen tap, so get a reusable bottle and start refilling. If you buy a bottle of water for lunch everyday working day of the year then you’re racking up around £230 based on a typical £1 a bottle price.
But if you make the simple swap of getting yourself a metal water container, you’ll be saying no to plastic waste as well as saving hundreds a year. With a stainless steel bottle, your water will stayer cooler throughout the day too!

Stainless Steel Water Bottle, 750ml, £20.00
3 – Take-away Lunch vs. BYO Lunch in Reusable Container
Now that we’re back in the office, our take-away-lunch-at-the-desk habit seems to be creeping back in. An £8.00 lunch, 3 times a week, adds up to around £1,100 each year, not to mention a lot of packaging waste!
You can make your own lunch at home for a fraction of the cost. Bring it to work in whatever container you already own or impress your colleagues with a stylish new lunchbox.

Stainless Steel 2-in-1 Lunch Box Set, £26.50
4 – Disposable Coffee Cups vs. Reusable Coffee Cup
Single-use takeaway coffee cups are a horrendous waste but many coffee shops offer a discount if you bring your own reusable cup. Pure London, for example, gives shoppers a 50p discount when they bring in their own cup.
So if you buy a coffee every morning before work you’d save a whopping £115 a year by simply bringing your own cup. Other coffee shops also run their own schemes so check these out.
Our reusable cork coffee cup is well-insulated, perfect for those who love an extra-hot coffee!

Reusable cork coffee cup, £18.50
5 – Kitchen Roll vs. Swedish Dishcloths
Let’s face it, kitchen roll is handy for mopping up all kinds of spills, and it’s easy to get through at least 2 rolls a week. At around £2.50/roll, that adds up to a mind-boggling £260 / year.
Swedish dishcloths are the perfect alternative, as they can absorb up to 15 times their weight in water. They’re both reusable and compostable, and can last years with proper care. Who knows, you may even ENJOY cleaning up spills with a Swedish dishcloth.

Swedish dishcloths (Pack of 4, £5.50)
6 – Disposable Razors vs. Safety Razor
A safety razor can save you a lot of money in the long run. If you take proper care of it, it will be the last razor you ever buy. They also look way better in your bathroom and feel more like a proper shave is supposed to be. You realise quickly that it’s the way everyone should shave.
The average disposable razor only stays sharp for 6-9 shaves – meaning if you use one to shave daily, you’ll be throwing away some 40-250 razors per year. Disposable razors on the Boots website are currently averaging 89p per razor. So by ditching them, you can save about £40/year.

Safety Razor and Stand, £25.50
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