Here we are on day one of Blog Every Day In May. The topic for today is introduce yourself. This is actually a pretty difficult topic when I started thinking about it. I ramble on about myself all the time so what could I really do that’s new? That’s when I decided ten facts about me would probably be the best way forward. Hopefully it’s a good introduction to me if you’ve never been to my blog before and not going over ground too much if you’ve been here a while.
Oh yeah, it’s a ten facts about me video. I’m already nervous about posting it. So, over a year ago my best friend, Hannah, told me that I should start making videos as well as blogging. So rather than just record the audio of interviews I was doing and transcribe them I started videoing them. I wasn’t in front of the camera like she had encouraged but it was a start, right?
Anyway, I thought I’d push myself out of my comfort zone with this one. Partly because I thought it was suitable content for a first video and partly because I thought it was worth a try.
So, without further ado here are ten facts about me.
Please do let me know if you think I should make any more videos or should I just stick to the interviewing and writing!! Also, if you are taking part in #BEDM leave me your links so I can read your intro posts too.
Kitty Kaos (@kellykaos) says
Yay I am doing bedm too and went with a video. Tea addict here as well x
lojovstheworld says
Amazing! I think there’s a lot more of us tea addicts than I realised. x
Gemma says
Tea is my savour! I have given it up through my pregnancy 🙁 I can not wait for that first cuppa again.
I also have a tattoo behind my ear! And I also love cheese! And I wish I could bake!
lojovstheworld says
Woah, I’m not entirely sure I could give it up! Congrats on the baby news though 🙂 xxx
Galina V says
I cannot function without tea either. It’s my fuel. Black suits you. I rarely decorate the cakes, because my guys cannot wait to tuck in.
lojovstheworld says
I drink gallons of tea every day. It’s my fuel too 🙂 x