Ages ago Laura from Inside Laura’s Head tagged me into the 11 things tag and asked me a bunch (eleven to be exact) questions. Laura, I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to write this up but here we go.
1) How long have you been blogging?
For a couple of years now. I’ve dipped in and out of it really. Neglecting my blog for weeks or months at a time and then coming back with renewed vigour. I think this time though I’m feeling much better about it, I’m happier with my tone of voice and I think I’m finding my way now.
2) What is your favourite ever post?
Oh gosh, I don’t know. This is such a hard question. I think it might be one that I didn’t even write myself but that my best friend of too many to think about years wrote for me. Depression is an illness is what it was called and she wrote it just after the passing of Robin Williams. I think it’s beautifully written and she makes a very important point.
3) Name three products you can’t live without.
1. Hair dye. 2. Red lipstick. 3. Black eyeliner. I haven’t found an absolute specific for each of these and I am on, what feels like, an endless search for the absolute perfect one of each of these. I’ll happily take any recommendations.
4) Who is your favourite person in the whole world?
Ooooh, this is difficult. I’m not sure I can answer this without upsetting someone. I have favourite people for different reasons. Ok, ok, I’m going for it… my favourite person is my dad.
5) Why?
Because he’s my dad. He’s mega and my hero and just the best.
6) Do you have any pets?
I have a dog, Harry. He’s bloody awesome but sadly he lives in Liverpool with my parents. I miss him terribly when I’m not there and although he’s huge (he’s a black lab) he still thinks he’s a teeny, tiny puppy. In fact he’s probably my favourite person in the whole world, does he count?
7) What do you love about yourself?
These questions are tough. The thing I love about myself is that as I get older I’m going a bit easier on myself. I used to give myself such a hard time about everything and now I’ve realised that, you know what, I’m alright. I’m not the villain I thought I was.
8) What one piece of advice would you give to a new blogger?
Just do it. The more you write the more you’ll work out what you want from your blog. You don’t have to copy all those blogs you like reading, be yourself and you’ll be happier.
9) Would your 15-year-old self like the person you’ve become?
I don’t think she’d mind me. She’d probably be a bit upset that I work in gaming and not something a bit more exciting but she’d be pleased to know that I did make the leap and move to London like she always wanted.
10) If you won the lottery – what’s the first thing you’d buy?
A car. A white Range Rover Evoque. It’s my dream car. I’d then obviously buy somewhere to live that has a nice big garage I can pop her into.
11) What’s your best ever bargain?
I don’t know. I can’t think of anything particularly brilliantly bargainous that I’ve had. That makes me sad.
Wow, some of those questions where really hard. Now it’s my turn, here are my 11 things I want Rachael, Anna and Jemma to answer.
1. Why do you blog?
2. If you could have a super power what would it be?
3. If you could tell your younger self one thing what would you go back and say?
4. What is your hidden talent?
5. Tell us about the best day of your life.
6. What do you think other people think of when they see you?
7. What do you think of you?
8. What’s the 1 book, album and luxury item you’d take if you were stranded on a desert island?
9. What was your most embarrassing moment?
10. Tell us the meaning behind the name of your blog.
11. What’s your biggest dream?
As well as the ladies I’ve tagged above, I’d love to see anyone else have a go at these questions. If you do, please leave me your links so I can have a read of your answers.
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