So, today is the 29th February. For some reason I always feel about weird when this date comes round. Like it’s not a real day and I’m a bit in limbo. I definitely think I should have stayed off work and tried to sleep all day. In fact 29th February should totally be an extra bank holiday so we can all spend the day in hibernation. Deal? Deal!
Anyway, I’ve just this minute realised that, as of tomorrow, my baby is due next month. Woah! How did that happen?! Like, I don’t mean biologically – I had the birds and the bees talk a little while ago. I mean, where has all that time gone? Today, I am officially 33 weeks pregnant, that means I only have seven weeks left before my due date. Sometimes I think that that’s ages and then, all of a sudden, I panic and think about all the things that I haven’t done to prepare for the baby’s imminent arrival.
I haven’t done a round up post for ages. In fact, the last time I did one of these was back in July. I won’t try and cover all the time between then and now, we’ll both be here all day that way. I’ll try and keep it confined to February for all our sake’s.
Here we go…
Making: Ikea furniture. Well, technically, I’ve been reading Tom the instructions while he’s been making it but it counts as the same thing, right?
Cooking: Not a lot really. I’m pretty shattered by the time I get home so Tom has been in charge of making the dinner.
Drinking: Water and lots of it. Every time I go and see the midwife she tells me I’m not drinking enough of it and that I need to aim for three litres a day!!!
Reading: I’ve just finished reading The Miniaturist and I’ve just started Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Someone Who’s Been There both of which I totally recommend.
Wanting: to not be a huge lumbering lump for much longer.
Looking: forward and only slightly panicking.
Playing: the when will the baby come game.
Deciding: that it would probably be a good idea to start looking at what needs to go in my hospital bag.
Wishing: that the baby comes before my cousin’s wedding on 23rd April!
Enjoying: not worrying about what I’m eating.
Waiting: for these next seven weeks to pass.
Liking: that we managed to get a whole load of stuff sorted out over the weekend.
Wondering: where I’m going to find the energy to clear out the rest of the stuff I need to.
Loving: Tom and the fact he’s looking after me so well. ***Soppy answer alert***
Pondering: everything. I’m always pondering something.
Considering: where to begin with the big clear out.
Watching: 24 Hours in A&E. I went off it for a while and I’m obsessed again.
Hoping: that I can power through the commuting until the 1st April.
Marvelling: at my gorgeous best friend and my brand new bestie that she made, he makes me melt.
Needing: to pull my finger out and get things ready.
Smelling: EVERYTHING. Pregnancy has given me the nose of a bloodhound.
Wearing: tents, I can’t wait to get back into my normal clothes.
Noticing: that time is flying by.
Knowing: everything is about to change in ways I could never imagine.
Thinking: that I could really do with a nap right now.
Sorting: out our flat.
Buying: things I never even knew I needed.
Getting: sleepy.
Bookmarking: all sorts of baby things I’ve convinced myself we’ll need but that we probably won’t.
Disliking: how slow I am.
Giggling: at how rubbish I am at putting my own shoes and socks on.
Feeling: nervous.
Snacking: on everything, but mostly flapjacks at the minute.
Hearing: The Supernerds UK podcast amongst others. My lovely friend Ben is one of the hosts and it makes me miss him less when I listen to it 🙂
That’s the round up of my month of February.
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