Back in July, I posted about how I was struggling to remember who I was after having two kids. I intended it as a bit of a brain dump and a way to try and make a plan but I heard from so many people that I was a bit overwhelmed. So, thank you.
I thought I’d give you a bit of an update now that things have moved on and I’m now starting week three of being back in work.

My fitness levels, or lack of them, were top of my list. So, I bit the bullet, joined the gym and proceeded to rupture the lowest disc in my back. Not at the gym, I might add. I’d started going and was getting the hang of a few visits a week. I’d even got myself a gym pal (although we didn’t actually make it to a class together, sorry Chloe!) I thought it was a lot better, then just before Christmas I managed to throw it out again. So bad this time that I could barely move for three days. Thankfully, my mum was here. I don’t know how I’d have managed to look after the girls without her. I’ve been for a couple of sessions with the osteopath and I’m having physio on it and I’m hoping that really soon I’ll be able to get back to doing some more exercise.
I’m also hoping that I’ll be able to get back to roller derby. I was hoping to go back in the new year, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the end of February now. Wish me luck.

My lack of mum friends is still a bit of a thing. I did try and make plans with a couple of mums to meet up but holidays and trips and plans all got in the way a bit so they never actually happened. Which is a bit sad, but still just the offer and the attempt at planning something definitely made me feel better.
I also signed up for a term of baby sign. I did baby sign classes with Cece and she really enjoyed them so I thought I’d go with Roars too. She wasn’t really much of a fan. It nearly always interrupted a nap and she just didn’t seem to be getting much out of it. Also, to be honest, neither did I. I didn’t really get on with any of the mums and I always came away feeling a little bit deflated. I gave it a good go and went to a fair few sessions but it just wasn’t for me.

I started baking again and for fifteen weeks up to Christmas, I baked something new every week. It was a bit of a daft challenge to set myself but, you know what? I enjoyed it and I’m going to try and pick it up again this year. I’ve got a few more creative plans for the year too as I mentioned in my resolutions post. So, here’s hoping I can get moving with them.

I’m not sure I’m any closer to working out who I am these days but at least I don’t feel quite so overwhelmed by it all. I don’t think I do anyway. I think I feel a bit like I have a plan for what I want to do and how I need to spend some time this year. So, that’s a step in the right direction at least, yeah?
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