It was National Stress Awareness Day last Wednesday and it was made into topic 6 of BEDN. It takes an awful lot for me to get stressed out, there are a few things that push my buttons and send me straight to being a little stresshead though. Things like impoliteness and rudeness are the things that upset me the most. Especially when it comes from potential wedding vendors, that’s the only time I’ve become even slightly bridezilla.
I’m pretty laid back and have a tendency to stick my head in the sand when I can so everyday stresses and niggles don’t get to me too much. Apart from trying to ignore things I have a few things that I know I can always turn to to deal with a stressful situation and that’s what I thought I’d share with you today.
My top three stress relievers
1. Have a long bath – A good long soak in the bath with the radio and a magazine always makes me feel better. I can belt out songs at the top my lungs, get engrossed in celebrity gossip and just wind down. An hour or so in the bath and I’m a whole lot more relaxed than when I got in.
2. Go for a walk – Just taking yourself away from the situation, even for ten minutes is always a good way to calm down. It gives you time to formulate your thoughts and catch a breath of fresh air so you can go back and face the challenge refreshed.
3. Watch a film – Whether it be your favourite comedy that is guaranteed to make you wet yourself laughing or that tear-jerker that is going to make you bawl your eyes out. Either way, that big release of emotion will make you feel better. Plus the couple of hours not thinking about whatever it is that is stressing you out is always good.
Obviously, it’s nothing new but they’re always the first things I turn to when I start to feel myself stress. What are your guaranteed stress relievers? There might be something I’ve never thought of.
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