We’re often told that there are two personality types – extrovert and introvert. The thing is though, it’s not always quite that clear-cut is it? I mean I wouldn’t say I’m an extrovert because although I do enjoy being with people and bouncing off them I need my own time and space. On the other hand I wouldn’t say I’m an introvert because that brings up connotations of being super shy and quiet and although I am shy in new situations and around new people, I don’t quite associate myself with that camp either. This means that I have a bit of an ongoing internal battle with myself every time I’m invited to a social situation. It’s not that I don’t want to spend with people just sometimes I physically can’t. I know I’m being really shit when I cancel plans, especially when I do it at the last-minute. Please, please, please don’t take it personally but sometimes the only thing that I can even fathom doing is holing up in a blanket fort and binging on Netflix.
People can’t seem to get their heads around this idea. I have tried to talk to people about it before but they think I’m just being anti-social and a bit arsey. I promise I’m not. I do understand that it is a difficult concept especially if I do really like you and feel totally comfortable in your presence because surrounded by those people and in a good mood you can’t stop me. I’m loud, think I’m funny and want to have a great time. However, sometimes I just can’t face it. This is exacerbated by my M.E. and anxiety. In fact, these three things combined can make my life a bit difficult at times. Now, I definitely don’t want this to be a woe is me post because I’m not complaining my friends want to hang out with me. The day they stop asking me out to social engagements is the day you get a proper woe is me blog post!
I’ve rambled a bit here and I don’t think I’ve really managed to get the point I was aiming for across very well. It’s not the end of the world though because, as usual, Buzzfeed can say it better than me with their 18 struggles only socially outgoing introverts understand.
So, next time your life of the party friend bails on you, think twice before slagging them off please? They might just need an Orange Is The New Black marathon to recharge and get back on top form.
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