It’s accidentally been twenty something days since I last posted. I have quite a few half formed ideas and part written posts in my drafts but not enough time to work on them or develop them into anything that makes any sense. I miss writing, to be honest, and I need to try to work out when I can squeeze some in. I just wish we had a bit more of a routine because just as I feel we’re settling into one Cecilia changes her mind!
Anyway, here’s what life’s been like round these parts lately.
Making: a new baby present that I hope will go down well. Once it’s done I’ll share it but until then it has to stay under wraps.
Cooking: nice healthy food. I’ve bust out the slow cooker and I’m on a bit of a health kick trying to shift my baby weight.
Drinking: loads of water. I love my hydratem8 so much I even bought one for my mum who never drinks enough water and she hasn’t missed a day since she got it.
Reading: I’m still trying to read The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson and Just Kids by Patti Smith. Then tonight Tom came home with a copy of The Cursed Child so I’m going to get into that soon.
Wanting: to know if we can move into the flat I have my heart set on.
Looking: for new make up. Foundation and powder recommendations are always welcome.
Playing: with Sophie The Giraffe mostly.
Deciding: that we will definitely be moving house towards the end of the year.
Wishing: that I could win a whole heap of cash.
Enjoying: baby snuggles and gummy smiles.
Waiting: to get some proper sleep
Liking: getting a lie in of a weekend.
Wondering: what I still need to organise for Cece’s christening.
Loving: that I’m going home to Liverpool for a week soon.
Pondering: what I actually want to do in life now.
Considering: a change in career.
Watching: Orange Is The New Black and The Gilmore Girls.
Hoping: that Cecilia’s teeth come through soon.
Marvelling: at how fast time seems to be flying by.
Needing: more sleep.
Smelling: next door’s dinner. It’s not appetising.
Wearing: jeans. I went through my wardrobe and apparently that’s all I wear.
Noticing: that I’m a big old scaredy cat.
Knowing: that there don’t seem to be enough hours in the day.
Thinking: that I need to give my head a wobble.
Buying: kids books. I love them. Room on the Broom is my favourite at the minute.
Getting: annoyed that I’m not getting the things done during the day that I want.
Bookmarking: outfit ideas for the Christening and a wedding I’m going to in November.
Disliking: how much procrastinating I’m doing.
Giggling: at the baby and her excellent facial expressions.
Feeling: sleepy but ok.
Snacking: on not much. I’m trying hard to shift some weight.
Hearing: the washing machine. I’m trying to catch up on the washing so Tom has some clothes to take away next week.
That’s me for the moment then. How’s things with you?
Sian says
I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels like time is breezing past at the moment! That water bottle looks brilliant – I’m trying to up my water intake this year, and so far it’s going quite well, but I’m definitely going to keep that bottle in mind when I’m in need of a replacement! I hope you are able to move into that flat too 🙂
lojovstheworld says
The water bottle is ace. It’s silly how the timings make such a difference to encourage you to drink up! Keep going with the water drinking though, why is it so much harder than you think it should be?! xxx