I bloody love Christmas, in fact I’m normally counting down to it for months beforehand. Announcing, whenever there happens to be a lull in conversation “X amount of sleeps to go!” This year I haven’t been quite so vocal in my counting down and I’m not entirely sure exactly how many sleeps to Christmas Day it is off the top of my head. (37 just in case you were wondering.) Maybe it’s because of my wedding that the countdown to Christmas didn’t start at 99 sleeps to go like it does usually and that could be the reason I feel a little out of whack with it all. I still can’t get my head round the fact that Christmas is practically round the corner though even though I have nearly finished my Christmas shopping. Go me!
Anyway, I spotted this tag on Rachael’s blog, Jegz Loves Tea, and thought I’d start getting into the festive spirit. Especially as Tom has promised me we can out our Christmas tree up in the last weekend of November.
1. Do you prefer a real Christmas tree or a synthetic Christmas tree?
I’ve never had a real Christmas tree. I’m sure this is considered sacrilege by some people but I guess it’s one of those things that you don’t miss if you’ve never had. Also, it makes me sad seeing all the brown, dead trees on the side of the road waiting to be collected after Christmas. In short, synthetic for me.
2. You’re in a coffee shop, it’s December, what do you pick?
I don’t really have a favourite. I had an egg nog latte in Starbucks the other day which was nice. Although if there is anything salted caramel flavoured that will always be my first choice.
3. What’s your favourite colour scheme for decorating the tree?
I’m not sure I have a favourite. Our tree colour scheme is red, white and silver. Well it has been for last two years and probably will be again this year but it’s about ready for a bit of a mix up. Next year I’ll buy all new decorations I think. Especially if we’re in a new place which we’re hoping to be.
4. Giving or receiving?
I know it sounds cliché but I do love giving gifts. I think that’s why I start shopping so early so that I know I have loads of time to find presents that I think people will really like and not that I’m just rushing round grabbing anything.
5. To mince pie or not to?
Not to. I’m not a fan of the mince pie really.
6. What’s your traditional Sunday lunch?
I’m assuming this means Christmas lunch as opposed to general Sunday lunch. We have turkey, roast potatoes, mash, peas, pigs in blankets, stuffing balls, carrot and swede mash and loads of gravy. A-mazing!
7. Christmas day fashion?
I always used to get a brand new outfit for Christmas day. Now I tend to buy a new top or something. I always try to look nice on Christmas Day.
8. What’s your favourite Christmas song?
You can’t beat a bit of Mariah, obviously. There’s nothing better than a drunk singalong of All I Want For Christmas Is You. Although Driving Home For Christmas is always high on my list too. Especially as it is my dad’s favourite and we have a family competition to see who can hear it first. Rules are 1. you can’t play it yourself it has to be on the radio 2. You must be in a car. I’m definitely losing this game as an average.
9. What’s your favourite Christmas film?
Elf. Even though I hate Will Ferrell I love Elf. I also love Home Alone and Die Hard. In fact I love pretty much all Christmas films, the cheesier the better. There’s a channel that appears soon with back to back made for TV Christmas films on it. It’s my favourite backdrop to a working from home day. Miracle on 34th Street is my mum’s favourite so I do love an afternoon curled up on the sofa with her watching that too.
10. Open present before or after lunch?
Before! As if I can wait until after lunch to see what Father christmas brought. First thing in the morning it is.
I love Christmas. Leave me your links if you choose to do this tag so I can read your posts too.
Christmas 24 has already started! I’ve been watching it xx
Haha, I went looking for it yesterday afternoon after I posted this and watched a really cheesy film about Christmas lights. It was awesome! X