I don’t use night cream, in fact, I haven’t had a proper beauty routine ever. I know, I know, it’s awful isn’t it? I’ll never be a beauty blogger when sometimes all my skin care routine consists of is a rub of a wipe across my face to get rid of my make up at the end of the day. Horrendous, right? It’s just so easy though. Especially if I’ve been out.
As I’ve mentioned before, as I get older I’m starting to care more about my skin. I know I should have probably been paying attention to it for a while now but hopefully it’s not too late and I’m not going to start looking too haggard soon.
So, as well as drinking the recommended two litres of water a day I’ve been trying to get myself into a proper morning and evening skin care routine and stepping away from the face wipes (well, except for in an emergency.)
My search is on for my ideal cleanser and I still can’t find an exfoliating face scrub that really makes me feel clean. As well as that I’ve been giving the Narynda Night Cream* a try. The cream contains oat oil and is rich in Linolein acid, antioxidants and saponins. This is supposed to maintain moisture, reduce redness, soothe the skin and reduce inflammation. On top of all that the peptides in the oat oil help to promote collagen production and reduce fine lines and wrinkles and maintain skin elasticity. All sounds bloody marvellous, right? I can’t say if it reduced my wrinkles but I can definitely confirm that it soothed my skin.
It was really think and felt quite luxurious when I smoothed it on. It sank into my skin quickly and didn’t feel greasy at all. I liked the smell even though it was quite oaty and I didn’t really need to use very much at all to cover my entire face and neck.
I’m still not entirely sure if I need a separate day and night cream or if one cream, twice a day will do but I do enjoy the process of smothering myself in moisturiser at night before bed. As well as the benefits for my skin it’s calming and soothing as I settle down to sleep. The Narynda Skin Care night cream is really nice and for £17.50 for 50ml it won’t break the bank. Maybe I should just stick with this one.
Have you used any Narynda products? Do you have a recommendation for a night cream? Do I even need a separate one? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
My skincare routine is pretty limited to a wash in the shower and a quick slick of moisturiser afterwards, but on the occasions I have tried a night moisturiser, I remember my skin feeling much plumper and nicer the next day. But an evening cleanse is a dream at this point with two boys to care for! Hope you find what you’re looking for!
Drinking water is my big downfall, I rarely get thirsty and just don’t think about it. Night cream is also something I know I should do, but only remember occasionally – hey ho!