When I was putting my 35 before 35 list together I was adamant that going to the zoo was going to be on there. I love the zoo. I know a lot of people are against zoos and having animals in captivity but I think now a lot of zoos are doing great work in conservation and education. I think we need to help our little (and not so little) animal pals where we can.
Anyway, I think go to the zoo was also on last year’s 34 before 34 list and I never made it. We had a couple of plans to go but they fell through. *cry face*
I definitely made up for it this year though. Not only did I go to the zoo. I went to two different zoos… within a week! I know, right? Exciting times. More exciting for me than Cece I think too. Although she loved it.
She’s really into animals at the moment and has a lot of toy ones. So, I was really keen for her to see the real versions of the giraffes, elephants, and rhinos that she likes playing with so much.
While Cece and I were in Liverpool for the week, my parents took us to Chester Zoo for the day. I love Chester Zoo. It’s the zoo that I’ve been to most, obviously because it’s only an hour or so away from my parents’ house. Not only did we visit as a child but once I could drive I used to go with my friends too!
It was a glorious day and we had a great time. My dad bought Cece this super cute cap to keep the sun out of her eyes. My mum and I said it was a monkey. Cece argues it’s a bear. The more I look at it, the less sure I become about what animal it is. Any ideas?
Then on Cece’s birthday, Tom and I took her to Whipsnade Zoo. I’d never been to Whipsnade before but was expecting big things. It was really nice but the weather was a touch on the grim side so we had to layer up. Especially while we were walking near the edge of the hill. It was so windy. What was brilliant though was that we went midweek and out of the school holidays. Apart from a school trip or two, the whole park was practically empty. It was excellent!
Apart from the weather though, we had a great day. That place is huge. If it wasn’t for having to wrestle Cece in and out of her car seat at each section we’d have probably driven around from area to area. Instead, we pushed her around in the buggy. Got some serious steps on my Fitbit that day, I’ll tell you!
What I did find funny was that Tom and I had been watching The Durrells on a Sunday evening. When we went to see the lemurs I noticed a plaque. Lemur Island was dedicated to the memory of Gerald Durrell. Tom hadn’t realised that the programme we’d enjoyed as easy Sunday night viewing was based on a real family.
All in all Cece and I had two great trips to the zoo. And that’s another tick off my list.
Cant beat the zoo especially Chester. siobhan and I got married there in 2016. When the zoo closed at 6pm our wedding party had an entire empty zoo to do with as we pleased. Imagine how amazing that is!!! Hope you and Tom and Cece are well x