Someone once said to me that the end of June was a good time to sit back and take stock of your year so far. To look at the goals you set yourself in January and see how far off track you’ve become. I guess that’s because it’s the halfway point of the year.
I didn’t really set myself any goals at the beginning of the year. I do have my 31 before 31 list but that’s not going too well. In fact, I’m considering consolidating those goals into my bigger plan.
I first heard about 101 things in 1,001 days over on Rachael’s blog, Jegz Loves Tea and thought I’d take a little look at it myself.
It’s a Day Zero project and is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin; a list of 101 goals you want to try to achieve in 1,001 days. I started making my list on 26th June so I have until 23rd March 2017 to complete all my goals. One of the hardest is actually trying to think of 101 goals to add to the list! I currently have 36 goals on there and am definitely looking for inspiration for other ones to add to it although maybe they’ll just come to me as spin-offs of the others as I’m completing them. No one said I had to finish the list before I could start trying to cross things off it. I guess that’s just the way it was in my head. Silly Lojo.
Are you revisiting your goals for the year? Have you got a 101 things list? Please let me know, I love reading them!
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