As I’ve mentioned before, this year I’m really trying to shift some of this excess weight I’m carrying around and generally get fitter and healthier.So, when I was invited to a healthy cookery class with LV= I was pretty excited. I’m not the greatest cook, I mean I can throw together a few things that taste alright but they probably aren’t the healthiest dinners and I’m a keen baker and love to make sweet treats but none of this is going to help my weight loss journey, is it? (P.S. I hate that phrase, weight loss journey, it’s awful.)
We headed down to St Katherine Dock (have you been, it’s really pretty) for an evening at The Smart Cookery School were the lovely Chef Stu walked us through three super easy, really tasty recipes.
As I’m still trying out this weekday vegetarianism thing I chose the veggie options but I can tell you the prawns and chicken looked so good too.
We started with Asian courgettes (or prawns) on a bed of lime and chilli cured courgette ribbons and oh my word was this tasty. Also, the preparing of the veg here was the bit that took the longest. That means that from prep to plate this probably took a grand total of about ten minutes. I’m sold. At this point we did also learn to keep our chillies and ginger in the freezer. Not only do they last longer they also grate easier which means less fiddly chopping.
Next, we had vegetable noodle broth with a coriander crostini. This was probably my least favourite of the three dishes however Tom is a bit of a noodle fiend and I think he’d really like this dish, especially with some added chicken so I’ll definitely be giving it a try again. Also, Chef Stu said it was fine to use stock cubes or those jelly pots to make our base for this to save time. Bonus!
I can assure you this tasted a whole lot better than it looked. Can you ever make curry look pretty in a photo? This chickpea Thai curry was delicious; coconutty, delicate and so damn tasty. I love sticky rice so to learn that to make it you should cook it in the oven was ace Who knew you could cook rice in the oven?
Although I never did any actual cooking (there were 23 of us) I did come away with a full belly and a stack of super tasty, super easy, super quick healthy eating recipes plus a few fab tips direct from Chef Stu. Don’t breathe through your nose when cutting onions and you won’t cry! So thank you very much LV= I’m going to follow your advice and love life!
i agree with Kristina the noodle broth looks delicious.
The vegetable noodle broth looks amazing! I’d love to try it.
It really was tasty. xxx