I’m a massive child. I’m not even slightly embarrassed to admit it. I mean let’s be honest, kids get all the best things. Even the most normal thing is better when it has a childish slant to it. Let’s be honest, whose lunchtime wouldn’t be brightened up with a cartoon character lunch box rather than Tupperware or tinfoil (for your sandwiches I mean, get your minds out of the gutter!)
Hello Kitty is probably my favourite of all the cartoon characters to be plastered across things I own. So much so I’m totally thinking of ditching the grown up handbag and going for this Hello Kitty backpack instead. Incroyable, non?
The thing is, right, it’s not just me that loves a bit of Hello Kitty. Oh no. Liberty love her too. Yes, that is my spirit animal and my spiritual home converging in the most beautiful way imaginable!
This tea cup set is just incredible. Not only is it actually beautiful the box it comes in reminds me of the tea sets I used to have as a child. All the separate parts had their own special place in my caddy and it was with loving care I’d take each piece out and put every piece back whenever I had a tea party with my friends, dolls and teddy bears!

Liberty’s floral prints are iconic as it is and this 1933 Liberty floral design is just gorgeous but with the added hidden kitties I’m head over heels for it!

Speaking of tea, what picnic wouldn’t be immediately made better by producing this beautiful beast of a flask from the bag? I don’t actually own a flask… I don’t think I’ve ever really needed one. Now though, I definitely do. I need this in my life. It’s too pretty to even hide in a cupboard! I’m going to be the envy of the Jubilee line on my way to work with this.

I don’t even know what I’m going to do with this sticky tape but I must have it. It’s stationery (and we all know how I feel about that) and Hello Kitty and Liberty. The only thing that could possibly make this better is if it would stay on my nails. That’s all my favourite things combined right there.
There are a few more Liberty and Hello Kitty things, like cake stands and plasters (plasters!) but these are my absolute favourites.
If any cartoon character and shop could combine which combo would you choose?
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