So, life has been awfully bloody hectic (yet nothing has really happened) recently. It kind of feels a little bit like I’ve been in a suspended state of animation for most of this year and now it’s half way through June and I’m not entirely sure where all the time has gone. I’ve kind of blinked and missed it all.
A couple of big life points happened:
1. I got made redundant from work so never actually returned from maternity leave.
2. Cecilia turned one!
These two things have rocked my world in numerous ways. For a start job hunting is shit. It’s an absolute bummer and not something I’ve been enjoying doing. Especially as I know I only want to work Monday to Thursday. Have you ever tried to find a job like that? It’s proving to be much harder than I originally thought. Also, I’m struggling to be immediately available for contract roles as Cece was having a really bad time settling into nursery. I guess it’s been just me and her for most of the time the past year so it’s hard for her to see me leave. Bless her little heart.
Anyway, enough job hunting woes, my baby isn’t really a baby anymore. She’s one now and becoming a proper little girl with every minute of every day. Sometimes I look at old pictures of her (thanks Facebook memories😉) and I just can’t even imagine or remember her being so teeny tiny. She is so independent, she always wants to do everything herself and she’s full of personality too. She makes me laugh like no one else every could and she knows it. She loves making people laugh and has a range of silly faces she’ll pull just for that reason. Her talking is really starting to come along now too and she can say a good handful of words but she does appear to be developing a bit of a cockney accent 😂🙈. The thing that makes me laugh the most though is that when she says bye bye she does it in this really deep voice! So funny.
It doesn’t really sound like much when I write it all down but I feel like I’ve been travelling at a hundred miles a minute recently with all this going on. I guess the work thing is really starting to get to me now and as much as I’ve been trying to convince myself not to stress out about it, I clearly am.
Anyway, this week I actually feel like I’ve been given a chance to breathe. I’ve been able to press pause on my London life and I’m slowly starting to unwind. It’s kind of feeling like I’ve had a chance to reset before I return to the big city and start again with a new purpose and vigour.
My dad turned 70 on 8th June and to celebrate my mum has taken me, Tom and Cece on holiday with them. Great news! So I’m actually writing this lying on a sun lounger at 8am in Southern Spain. No one else is awake yet, it’s not too hot and it’s lovely and peaceful. I’m just looking out beyond the pool, out to the sea and listening to the birds. It’s good for my soul and I definitely needed this break more than I ever knew. I can physically feel my shoulders lowering as the week goes on. So, just in case you’re reading this mum, thank you, I didn’t realise how frazzled my head was and being here in Spain with you has helped it immeasurably.
So, that’s been my life in a nutshell for the past little while. I’ve definitely missed writing here though. There’s been so many times I’ve announced to tom that I’ve wanted to find time in the weekend to write a bit here but it’s just never happened but I’m hoping that now I’ve had this chance to get my head together (even though I didn’t realise I needed it) I’ll be back more often. I like it here, it’s nice.
sometimes life just gets too hectic to do everything we want to do… I had over 4 weeks long break from blogging, I missed writing but there was simply not enough hours in the day to do it all
Yes! Where do they all go?!
Going on holiday is nice especially as a celebration. I think Spain is a nice destination and would love to go someday. It’s good you had a chance to take a breather too!