I love chocolate. I mean really love it. Pretty much any combination of it and at any time of the day or night. It definitely is the way to my heart, give me some chocolate and you’ve got a friend in me.
Yummy! There’s only one thing better than chocolate and that’s chocolate biscuits, chocolate spread and chocolatey chocolate combined!
You know I love knocking up sweet treats for my friends and family but sometimes you just don’t have the time, energy or ingredients to bake a cake or make some biscuits. This is where my super quick, easy peasy chocolate cookie pop recipe comes in.
This is possibly the easiest thing I’ve ever made that tastes so good!
What you need (to make about 15):
- A packet of cookies – I’ve only ever used Oreos to make these but I don’t see why other cookies wouldn’t work. In fact I might try it with different biscuits next time and let you know!
- A couple of tablespoons of Nutella or any other chocolate spread that you like.
- A large bar of chocolate for coating – I like using white chocolate just for the colour contrast.
- Lollipop sticks or skewers
- A food processor
- A large baking sheet
- Space in your freezer
What to do:
- Put the biscuits in the food processor and blitz them up until they’re crumbs.
- Spoon in the chocolate spread. Do it a bit at a time. I’ve found 2 tablespoons is about right for 1 packet of biscuits but they won’t stay together if you put too much in.
- Stir in until it all comes together and isn’t too soft and sticky.
- Roll the mixture into small balls and place on the baking sheet.
- Put the sheet in the freezer for 15 minutes or so. Don’t put them in for longer than this because you won’t be able to get the sticks in.
- Melt a small amount of the chocolate of some boiling water.
- Take the balls out of the freezer.
- Dip one end of your lollipop stick or skewer into the chocolate and push it into each of the balls.
- Pop them back into the freezer. When the chocolate sets the sticks should be pretty stuck
- I left them overnight in the freezer at this point, but only because I started making them quite late at night and I was sleepy. Another 15 minutes would be plenty.
- Melt the rest of the chocolate.
- Dip each of the cookie pops in the chocolate to coat it. I have a piece of polystyrene I use to poke the sticks into so they don’t get a flat top but it works just as well putting them back on the baking sheet. Probably best to put a piece of greaseproof paper on it to make them easier to get off when the chocolate is set.
- While the chocolate is still soft you can add any other decorations you want to them. I usually put sprinkles or hundreds and thousands on too.
- Pop them in the fridge until the chocolate is set.
- Enjoy!
Yummy! Sorry for the terribly quality of this last picture. I’ll admit it was an afterthought while I was busy scoffing!
OMG – What are you doing to me? I’ve tried a similar cake pop recipe – but its 250gms biscuits crushed + 250gm packet of cream cheese. Mix together, roll into balls and coat in melted chocolate. They’re INSANELY YUM!
♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.
Oooh, I’ll be giving that one a try! Sounds ace! x