A Liebster Award is a funny thing. It’s something I’ve been aware of for a little while but never really properly looked into. That was until the rather lovely Rachael at Jegz Jegz Jegz nominated me for one. Aww, wasn’t that nice?
Now, the origins of the Liebster award are pretty hard to find and the rules for passing it on have changed (a bit like Chinese whispers) over the few blogs I’ve seen these on. Putting that aside one minute though, let’s take this for what it is. It’s a way for bloggers to show appreciation and share the love of and amongst other small bloggers, and let’s be honest, that’s a good thing isn’t it? I fpr one am always happy to discover new blogs so this is a nice way to encourage other people to check out some of your favourites.
The word “liebster” is German I believe and has quite a few definitions, including: dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, lovely, kind and sweetheart. So, if that’s what Jegz thought of when she picked me I’m a happy girl.
Anyway, as I’ve seen a few variations of the rules I think these are the ones that seem to fill in all the gaps.
The Rules
If you have been nominated for The Liebster Award and you choose to accept it, write a blog post about the Liebster award in which you:
My Turn
My questions from Jegz
1. If you could live off one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Cheese. I bloody love cheese. Although, I’d probably need some crusty bread to go with it too. I’m really fussy with bread, I go through phases of not liking it very much and then eating loads of it. However, cheese is my favourite thing in the world. From those plasticy processed slices to gorgeous creamy baked Brie or Camembert I love the stuff.
2. If you were an animal, which animal would you be and why?
This is hard, I’d either be a giraffe because they’re my favourites and they’re brilliant or my dog, Harry. He’s spoilt rotten and, I think anyway, that he’s absolutely gorgeous. He’s definitely replaced me in my mum’s affections since I moved out. He’s the baby and, my word, does he know it. He has both of my parents wrapped right around his little finger (paw? whatever.) In fact he has me there too. I was terribly sad that I couldn’t bring him with me when I moved to London but our little flat would be like a prison to a big black Labrador.
3. How did you get into blogging?
I used to be the editor of a music website, Glasswerk, who I still write the odd review for. Then I moved to London to write the web content for Wembley Stadium and I realised I missed being able to write editorials and blog posts about random things. Enter my life coach, Annie Bean, a couple of false starts and a bit of coaxing then Lojo Vs The World was born.
4. If you could visit any country in the world, where would it be?
I always thought I was into travelling and then I realised I’ve hardly been anywhere. The thing is there’s nowhere I’m absolutely desperate to go. Although, Hawaii would be nice, in fact any far flung island would be my ideal destination. I know Tom is dying to visit Tokyo though so that would be quite exciting too.
5. If you could try any job for the day, what would it be?
My absolute ideal job would be a wedding planner. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for quite some time and hopefully one day I might be able to pursue it. Although, I definitely wouldn’t want to do it for just one day. If I was going to do something for one day only I guess it would be something really ridiculous like circus ringmaster or the person that washes the windows of The Shard.
6. What is your favourite film?
This is also a tough question because I don’t think I could choose just one. My top five in no particular order though are: True Romance, Empire Records, Mallrats, Dirty Dancing and Grease.
7. Name one thing on your bucket list.
I want to learn to skate and try out for a roller derby team. This is something I’ve been toying with for quite some time and have been invited to try outs twice so far and bottled out both times. Fingers crossed I can build up the courage to go along this time.
8. Do you prefer tea or coffee?
Tea, tea, always tea. I drink gallons of the stuff. A good English breakfast blend is my favourite but I love all kinds. I even shared some of my favourite iced tea recipes a few weeks ago.
9. What are you scared of?
I’m scared of birds and clowns. There’s a busker at Westminster station sometimes that has a tendency to pile on the clown make up and he makes me cringe every time I have to walk past him. Getting surprised by a clown when I don’t expect it is the worst though.
10. If you could learn one random skill, what would you learn?
I really want to learn to cross stitch. I think I’m actually an old lady trapped inside the twenty odd year old body.
11. Extra added question to make them up to 11 – How do you know Jegz?
We had a few mutual friends and used to bump into each other a lot on nights out until we finally decided to get to know each other and became friends.
11 random facts about me
1. I have Come Dine With Me series linked on our Sky + so that when I’m home alone I can have marathon watching sessions.
2. I’m rubbish at making decisions. It’s not because I don’t care but because I genuinely don’t have strong opinions about stuff.
3. The fact above really worries me sometimes. I get really concerned that I don’t have strong opinions in general and wonder if I’m actually passionate about anything or do I just convince myself I am.
4. I used to suffer a lot from panic attacks and anxiety. I’m a lot better now than I was but if I’m ever in places where there are lots of people and I don’t know how to escape I get a bit panicky.
5. I like to think I’m quite creative but I’m not sure I’m particularly good at anything creative.
6. Although I’m scared of birds, I love flamingos. I think they’re ace. Although, maybe I jut like them for their kitsch decorative value rather than the real thing.
7. I wish I was a better cook but am scared to try in case I fail miserably.
8. I care too much about what other people think of me and pretend I don’t because I think if I pretend I don’t I’ll convince myself I won’t.
9. I have no idea what my natural hair colour really looks like.
10. I really love stationery and new notebooks really make me happy.
11. I love list making but am not very organised.
My nominated blogs
The Quarter Life Tales Of Annie Bean
A special mention to Living In The Cave where Hannah makes me cry almost every time she writes something. Cow.
My questions to my nominated bloggers
1. If your house was burning down what is the one material possession you’d save?
2. How would you spend your ideal day?
3. What are you most looking forward to at the moment?
4. What’s your party trick?
5. What’s your guilty pleasure?
6. Who would be your dream dinner party guests? (dead, alive or fictional)
7. What’s the best book you’ve read recently?
8. Tell me something you learned recently
9. What’s your biggest pet peeve?
10. What’s your favourite biscuit?
11. What’s your favourite line from a song or film? Why?
So yeah, there we have it. A very long post about Liebster Awards. Some people just see them as chain letters and don’t want to pass them on, I see it as a nice way of finding out about other blogs you might not have read before. What do you think?
Many thanks for the award!
Like you, I could also live on cheese forever 🙂
Thanks so much for the award!!! 🙂