Yeah, yeah, I know I’m rubbish. These life round-up posts are not only supposed to be at the end of the month, they’re also supposed to be regular and I somehow sailed straight through March and halfway through April without one. I’m sorry, is baby brain a valid excuse?
So, following on from the end of February (oops) here’s what life’s been like round these parts lately.
Making: plans mostly. I love a plan, I like knowing where I should be and when and what’s going on. However, the none appearance of this one currently living inside me is making it all kinds of difficult.
Cooking: the easiest dinners we can throw together. Neither of us are really in the mood to cook properly recently. I’m hoping that eventually I’ll get some more energy and start enjoying cooking and baking again.
Drinking: All of the water but it’s still not enough. I’ve also had a bit of a thing for ice-cold fat Coke recently too. I’ll need to knock that on the head once the baby is here.
Reading: baby books. I’ve just finished The New Parents’ Survival Guide: The First Three Months
which someone gave me as a present. Other than that I’m reading The Psychopath Test by Jon Ronson on Tom’s recommendation and Just Kids by Patti Smith which has been on my to read list for some time now.
Wanting: to meet this child.
Looking: forward and only slightly panicking.
Playing: the is that a contraction? game. It’s not fun but when you wake up at silly o’clock in the morning and have never been in labour before it’s incredible what you can convince yourself is the start of it.
Deciding: on names. Well, it’s about time.
Wishing: that the baby comes soon.
Enjoying: not worrying about what I’m eating.
Waiting: for the child’s arrival (are you sensing a theme here?!)
Liking: that we do appear to have most things sorted. I think…
Wondering: what I’ll be like as a mum.
Loving: not having to face the tube twice a day.
Pondering: everything. I’m always pondering something.
Considering: how scary this big life change is about to be.
Watching: The Hills on Amazon Prime and My 600 lb Life. Dear god, I’m hooked. I was only introduced to this programme on Friday and I watched like five episodes back to back. It baffles me.
Hoping: that giving birth won’t be too traumatic.
Marvelling: at Tom being a clever clogs and winning an innovation award this month.
Needing: to try to sleep.
Smelling: our house. I bought a Fabreze plug-in spray thing in fresh cotton flavours and I love the smell of it. How boring is that?!
Wearing: mostly pyjamas. I just can’t see the point in getting dressed if I’m not leaving the house.
Noticing: that the weather has been cold and rainy again, hence me refusing to leave the house.
Knowing: that waiting is stressing me out.
Thinking: that the temperature advised for the baby’s bedroom is bloody freezing.
Buying: things I never even knew I needed.
Getting: sleepy.
Bookmarking: all sorts of baby things I’ve convinced myself we’ll need but that we probably won’t.
Disliking: how slow I am.
Giggling: at how rubbish I am at putting my own shoes and socks on.
Feeling: a bit fed up to be honest.
Snacking: on doughnuts. I’m obsessed.
Hearing: lots of advice on how to get this baby moving. It’s pretty stubborn like its dad and isn’t taking any of it.
Here’s hoping it makes an appearance soon..
You’ll be a fab mum.
Thanks lovely xx