Once upon a time, a long, long time ago a crazy, American whirlwind entered my life. In amongst her crazy ways and super loud persona she brought with her a whole raft of bands that I’d not really heard much of (not the actual bands, obviously but an iPod full of music!) From that moment on I fell hard for a handful of bands that I still listen to regularly to this day. One of these bands is Finch. I’m not sure I’ve ever said it before, so just in case she’s reading this; thanks Mandypants!

It was a quiet Tuesday night when Steph and I ventured down to Camden to see one of our favourite bands, Finch*, and reminisce about listening to them at uni. (I told you it was a long time ago!)
I love Koko as a venue and have seen quite a few incredible acts here now and although it may not have been full to bursting this time, the mass of Finch fans assembled there were excitable, loud and ready to go.
From the second the band took to the stage and played the first few bars of New Beginnings they were loving every beat. Nate Barcalow may not be the chattiest front man but the few times he did choose to address the crowd between songs they hung off his every word. If their show in Brixton for the anniversary for What It Is To Burn was full of nostalgia hunters this was definitely the diehard fans. They were possibly the nicest and most attentive crowd I’ve ever seen at a rock show in my life. They were respectful of the band, to one another in the mosh pit and to those on the edges that didn’t want to expend quite as much energy throwing themselves across the room to every single one of the sixteen song set.
About half of their set was composed of songs from their huge debut album and there were certainly a few fair weather fans dotted around the room who only perked up when Letters To You or What It Is To Burn were played but on the whole they were clamouring for more, especially after the handful of tunes they played off their new album, Back To Oblivion.
Finch are back on top form and I for one am very excited about this. I even got a chance to chat to the two Alex’s before the show so once I’ve had a chance to edit that video I’ll get it up here for you to see. It was a pretty funny chat. They’re ace guys.
Haven’t heard of Finch before, but am listening to them now and loving them! Looks like a really cool venue too and seems that a great time was had! I love seeing bands that make you feel a bit nostalgic of a certain time in your life!
Hayley-Eszti | http://www.hayleyeszti.com
I love kokos, such a lush venue. Not a finch fan but my housemates have been ( hence why I think I am not…there is only so much of an album on repeat that you can take! ) I may revisit them though X