I know, I know, this may come as a shock to you but I went to Hogwarts! I’ve hardly mentioned it.
I have to admit I was late to the whole Harry Potter thing. I didn’t really understand all the who-hah around it and I just wasn’t really bothered by it. Then I met Tom, was introduced to his family and his sister was very disappointed in me when I disclosed that I’d never seen a single one of the films, never mind read the books. I left their house shortly after with the box set tucked neatly under my arm. It still took a bit of coercion from Tom to actually start watching. I’m not sure if he was trying to use reverse psychology on me or something but Tom kept telling me I had to get the awfulness of the first film out-of-the-way. Eventually I agreed and I was hooked. I still haven’t got round to reading the books but I intend to remedy that soon.
For Christmas, Tom’s parents bought the whole family tickets to the Warner Brothers Studio Tour and it was pretty exciting to say the least.
They say it should take you about three hours to get around. It took us about four/four and a half and I still don’t think I saw everything properly.
Goblet Of Fire is my favourite of all the films so seeing the Tri-Wizard cup was super exciting. Just a shame I couldn’t get my hands on it. Also, how many people do you reckon saw my glasses and thought I was wearing them to be like Harry? They’re my real glasses! I can’t see without them.
I did manage to get myself behind the wheel of the Weasley’s Flying Ford Anglia though!
We spent a fair amount of time wandering around the gift shop and I now have a list as long as my arm of things that I want. Starting with shorts not too dissimilar to these. Tom’s sister, Faye and I have promised we’ll get each other the knitted R and H jumpers for Christmas though.
Oh, on a related note, I have a confession. I love Ron Weasley. Love him.
Now, to start saving for a trip to Florida!
UGH so jealous of you, I would kill to go haha!
Laura, I am disappointed that you haven’t read the books! Pete hasn’t either and I want to change that.
Looks like you had a fab time and so jealous, I want to go soooo bad!
I really want to! I might add it to my 101 in 1,001 now haha xxx