Today is National Nap Day. Yes, you read that correctly National Nap Day. I don’t think I could invent a more appropriate national day for me. I love a nap. I’m just a bit sad that I’m in work all day so can’t have one this afternoon.
Never mind, to make up for it I’ve found some of my favourite nap related things.
Nap time art
I’m a sucker for typographical art. So much so, I’d rather have some pretty words on my wall than pictures for the most part. So, when I saw these two awesome prints not only did I immediately want them I also knew they had to be part of this post!
Naps do fix everything. Well, naps and tea. This gorgeous print is from Sarah and Bendrix at Not On The High Street and is only £17! Bargain.
This one is also from Not On The High Street but is by The Happy Pencil. It’s £12 and sounds exactly like something I’d say.
Sleep masks
It has to be really dark for me to be able to fall asleep. Especially if I’m having a nap in the middle of the day. I really should invest in a quality sleep mask but there are so many pretty ones around that I just can’t choose.
This sleep set from Sannapanda also from Not on The High Street is a snip at £16. The tasselled earplugs really amuse me. If you are so inclined to start giving presents for National Nap Day I bet someone who shares a bed with a snorer would love these!
This is the sleep mask I want. It’s from Soulful Style on Etsy and it’s about £14. It just looks really comfy and those glasses are really cool. In fact I want some actual glasses in that shape too!
What’s a nap without somewhere snuggly to have it?
I love the colours in this brocade panel quilt from Urban Outfitters and it’s in the sale at the minute too. It’s still £80 though but look how nice it is!
I really want this bedding. I love Urban Outfitters home ware. This duvet cover set is £55 and it makes me very happy. I think I could have some pretty sweet dreams snuggled up in this bad boy.
Did you National Nap Day even existed until now? How much happiness has knowing it’s existence brought into your life? How many of you are going to use National Nap Day as an excuse to catch an extra 40 winks at some point today?
That naps print is amazing, I NEED that!
xx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes