I have to admit, I’m feeling rather proud of myself. Before today my knitting skills have resulted in a super long, rather snuggly but quite messy scarf that I made for Tom’s grandma for Christmas. She seemed to like it but it didn’t have the wow factor I’d have liked it to have. Let’s put it this way, no one is going to ask where she bought it from. Never mind, it was my first proper project.
Last week I decided to pick up my needles and try again.

Tom’s cousin is expecting a baby at Easter and they decided not to find out the sex before it was born. So I found some lovely mint green baby wool, a good colour for either sex and a nice Eastery shade too, and set about on my second knitting project. This was the very first time I’d ever actually seen a knitting pattern, never mind followed one, so to say I was a little anxious is a pretty big understatement.
When I was about half way through I had a bit of a confidence wobble. Are knitted baby booties a little old fashioned? Would she even put them on the baby? I was reassured by a couple of people that it really is the thought that counts and that they would be very impressed and pleased that someone had decided to spend time and effort on making something special for the someone special they made! Fingers crossed they feel the same!
On I went, knitting on my commute to and from work and of an evening. I only had one major (not really major but it sure felt like it at the time) disaster when I lost count of how many rows I’d knitted.

I wanted to make sure I stuck exactly to the pattern, you know so they both matched, so I cut my knitting free and started again! When I’d finished and cast off was when the really worries started for me though. The knitting looked OK, I was quite happy with the finish but could I successfully stitch them up and turn them into actual booties?

Apparently, the answer is yes! Yes I can! I’m really quite proud of myself, they look terribly cute sitting on my coffee table at home at the moment and I’m about to embark on another project or two to match them. What do you think?
Should you want to try your hand at making your own set of baby booties here’s the pattern. It can be scaled up or down depending on the size of the baby.
What you’ll need:
- Baby 5ply or sport weight yarn
- Size 5 needles
- Cast on 38 sts.
- K8 rows in garter stitch.
- K16, K2 tog, K2, K2 tog, K16
- K15, K2 tog, K2, K2 tog, K15
- K14, K2 tog, K2, K2 tog, K14
- K13, K2 tog, K2, K2 tog, K13
- K12, K2 tog, K2, K2 tog, K12
- K11, K2 tog, K2, K2 tog, K11
- K10, K2 tog, K2, K2 tog, K10
- K8 rows garter stich
- Cast off loosely
- Stitch together and weave in ends
Good luck and let me know how you get on.
Nice post.