On Sunday 12th May at 9.21am our little family of three became a family of four when we were joined by another little girl. Well, I say little – she weighed in at a rather chunky 4.4kg (or 9lb 11oz in old money).

In both pregnancies, we’ve decided not to find out what we were having. Both times I’ve been pretty convinced I was having a boy. So much so that this time we didn’t even have a girl’s name decided on. In fact, it took almost a week for us to make a decision on a first name and even longer to add some middle names to it. So, let me introduce Aurora Ruth Isobel Clinch.

I can’t say it was the nice, calm birth that I’d hoped and planned for. In fact, it was a far cry from what I’d envisaged but she’s here, safe and healthy and that’s what’s important to me right now. I never wrote Cece’s birth story and I’m not sure I’ll write about Rory’s either unless anyone would be interested in reading them? I guess let me know if you would be. They were so different from each other.

The past three weeks have been a lot of settling into life as a family of four. We’re still feeling our way and seeing how it all works. But Cece has taken the role of big sister in her stride and loves to kiss and cuddle Rory. She’s dying to play with her and we have to keep reminding her that she is too small to share her toys yet.

Tom goes back to work on Monday and I’m actually a bit nervous about being home alone with two of them to look after. If anyone wants to visit, you’re more than welcome (please bring cake, biscuits or chocolate!) I’m sure we’ll settle into a routine properly soon but, in the meantime, the prospect of it is a little bit nerve-wracking, to say the least.
I’ll come and visit you!!!!!
I can bring you cakes and biscuits and CHOCOLATES!!!!
You will be great! I know you will take it all in your stride! So proud of you xxx