My mum is 60 in June and I’ve been trying to find inspiration for a special gift to get her. I’ve thought about things I know she likes and things I think she’d want but none of it seemed special enough for such a big birthday, you know? They just seem like average ideas I’d have for her for Christmas or a normal birthday.

I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of something I can get her that she can keep. My mind keeps wandering back to jewellery but as lovely as that is don’t you think it seems a little predictable? I’m nothing if not a little on the quirky side and I’d love to find her something she’d never think of getting herself. Isn’t that the mark of a good present? Something you didn’t even know you wanted that you’d never buy yourself?
I think I may have found something that ticks all my boxes and will give my mum a lovely birthday present.
Her favourite film of all time is Gone With The Wind and a few years ago I bought her the special edition DVD of it for her birthday as she only had it on a two VHS set. Yeah, it’s that long it stretched over two videos. At least I think it was two… it could have been three. Anyway, that’s not important. Her love of this film is what inspired the idea of this present.
As I was surfing around exploring some ideas I came across the rather marvellous world of Vintage Playing Cards and I pretty much wanted everything I saw. I started off looking at the site because I wanted some vintage pin-up pictures for the flat like this one.

Isn’t she pretty? They have a pretty good selection of these beauties and some really cool vintage advertising cards too but “how do these relate to your mum and Gone With The Wind, Laura?” I hear you cry. Well, they don’t really. I’m just selfish and want these for me.
Back to my mum and her birthday present though. I found this on the same site and thought it might be something she’d like…

What do you think? Each of the cards is sourced from a 1930s spelling game and they’re all original. It’s massive too. It’s 1.6m long so it’s definitely a statement piece. I just hope she doesn’t think it’s too big. My first thought was that she might put it up in her bedroom but, you know, I like attention and want other people to see it so I was trying to work out if it would go in a room downstairs instead.
It’s pretty cool though, right? They make a wide range of standard quotes, places, occasions and even football teams. Plus they’ll make up personalised pieces for you too. They make gorgeous presents and I’m hoping if I drop enough hints someone might buy us one as a wedding present! Haha.
What do you think? Would this make a good present for my mum’s birthday?
I think she’ll love it and that cake is amazing. If you still think Mum would like a unique piece of jewellery I may be able to help. I also specialise in bespoke wedding jewellery 😉
Haha, thanks Sue. I’ll definitely be stopping by the have a look 😉 x Here you go LoJo! 🙂 x
Thanks guys.
I bloody love those Sarah. My friend Kat has Pride and Prejudice I think it is. I want one so bad!! xxx
its fantastic – she will love it!