Today I remembered it was the Cake and Bake Show, sadly this means that I never remembered in time to actually buy tickets to go. I was a bit upset about that this morning until Tom Herbert tweeted me and I certainly cheered up! Anyway, I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t have been any good for my waistline if I’d gone.
So, instead of wandering around Earl’s Court on a sugar high I got a grip of myself and made a start on something I’ve been meaning to be for a couple of weeks. At the beginning of September I blogged about it being my new year and one of my resolutions was to sort out all the things that I don’t need, use, fit me etc etc anymore. This morning I cleaned our bedroom and made a start. I have a small set of drawers that are full to the brim of accessories and the such like and that’s where I started.

I knew I had to be pretty brutal with myself. I’ve already been through them once and given things to a charity collection but this time I was really harsh. I genuinely didn’t realise I’d managed to stash so much stuff away in such a small space, but I had.

I know, it’s ridiculous. I can’t believe it. It feels kind of cathartic though and I can’t wait to get moving on to the hidden gems in (and on top of the wardrobe) that’s before I even think about tackling our spare bedroom. That’s been a bit of a dumping ground for anything we can’t find a place for in the 6 months since we moved in. As well as looking forward to cracking on with the rest of the flat I’m also a bit scared. If I can get rid of all that from one teeny tiny set of drawers how much will I get from everything else?
Anyway, I am now sat on the floor of the bedroom (all the stuff is still on the bed!), listening to Avril Lavigne (I’m that cool), singing my head off, drowning in the amount of tea I’m drinking and trying to get all this photographed and listed on eBay. I’ve had to open a new eBay account, which is a little annoying as I’ve lost all my feedback, because I forgot the password to my old one and no longer have access to the email address it was linked to. Never mind, all part of my fresh start, I guess.
Please have a look at my listings, see if there’s anything you fancy and wish me luck for the rest of the de-clutter mission!
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