Happy New Year. I know we’re more than two weeks in now but, you know, I’m still trying to get my head around the fact that it’s actually 2020. My maternity leave is over, Rory is now in nursery and I’m trying to remember how to do my job again. It all happened so quickly, and I wasn’t really ready for it. January felt like ages away when I was making plans before she was born and now, here we are.
Ah well, it’s not worth lamenting over the speed of time passing. It’s not exactly something I can change, is it?

Anyway, new years habitually mean one thing… resolutions! I’m not usually a resolution kinda gal, to be honest. I think it’s because I set a few 30 something before 30 something lists so I didn’t really need resolutions when I had a massive to do list spread out in front of me for the year.
I’ve decided to be kind to myself and set my resolutions as things that make me happy. No huge lifestyle changes, no crash diets, just things that are going to make my 2020 a good one.

Read more
For the past few years, I’ve set myself a challenge on Good Reads to read 12 books in the year. I’ve not yet managed to hit it. Embarrassing right? When I first set it, I was sure I’d smash it. Three years on and I’m no closer to hitting it than I was then! I’ve gone for the same challenge again this year. I’m already two books in. Kind of. I’ve finished two this year, one of them I read the most of over Christmas so I feel like I’m going to have to try and get thirteen in to make up for it.

See friends more
I have a whole host of lovely friends and I just don’t see enough of them. I’m the queen of saying “we need to catch up soon” but not actually following through and making any plans. I’m also very good at reading messages and then not replying to them. I promise it’s not that I’m ignoring you. I just normally think “I’ll reply to that later when I have time to construct something a little bit more meaningful than great yeah, you?” I’m going to try and get better at that too. All I ask is don’t ring me, yeah? That’s not what I use my phone for!!

Make more
Making stuff makes me happy. To be honest, I never really know what to do with it once I’ve made it but we’ll cross that bridge when I get to it. Over Christmas, I made fudge with Cece and it made me happy. I also had a lot of plans to make some other stuff but didn’t really get round to it.

Keep baking
At the end of last year, I decided to start baking again. I opened one of my recipe books and started with the first thing in there. Then the following week I went for the second. I kept doing this for fifteen weeks! I’m proud of myself for keeping it up and Tom’s work friends were pleased I kept sending cake their way. I’m hoping to pick up from where I left off in the book this weekend.

Learn More
I think this links in a bit with make more too. I want to learn how to do more things and crafty things are the first things that spring to mind when I think about what I’d like to have a go at. I’d love to try my hand at macrame and get better at cake decorating. I’m hoping to look at something new once every two months, whether that’s finding a workshop or something to go to or just trying to teach myself from YouTube tutorials!

Return to skating
I stopped skating because it was starting to stress me out and then I got pregnant so I couldn’t skate. Well, I could skate but I couldn’t train for derby, so I didn’t skate at all. Then, just as I decided I was going to get back on eight wheels I damaged the lowest disc in my back. I’m having physio and I’m hoping that I’ll get there sooner rather than later.

Be a better blogger
I’ll be honest, I’m not doing too well with this one at the moment. As if to prove my point, I’ve had to change the opening of this post four times because it’s taken me so long to sit down and actually finish that how far through January we are keeps changing. Consider me the human embodiment of the *facepalm emoji*. I love writing blog posts, I just need to be sure to carve out some time to start doing it regularly.
So yeah, there we go. Some new year’s resolutions. Please feel free to hold me accountable to any and/or all of them. I think I’m going to need the push!
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