Soundtrack to my life tag
A little while ago I saw this video by Zoe talking about the songs that are most important to her in a tag that her and Lily created on their YouTube channels. I actually really enjoyed it and so, thought I’d give it a go. As you know though, I’m not one for vlogging (although sometimes I do think about giving it a go) so here it is in bloggy form instead – the soundtrack to my life.
Song you listen to when you’re happy?
I don’t think I have a go to happy song. I guess the song that makes me so happy that I had its title tattooed on my hip is Easy Tiger by Kids in Glass Houses. It makes me happy because it takes me back to a time of my life that I was really happy. That doesn’t answer the question though, does it? The question is what do I listen to when I’m happy, not what do I listen to to make me happy. Either way, this is going to be my answer.
Song you listen to when you’re sad?
Sunshine by Kids In Glass Houses is my go to song when I’m feeling sad. It’s just the right amount of melancholy to make you feel like you’re right to be sad but it also has some ace memories attached to it that cheer me up. Mostly associated with my lovely friend Neil.
What song will you have at your wedding?
We had quite a few songs at different parts of our wedding. I walked down the aisle to First Day Of My Life by Bright Eyes. We walked out to You Make My Dreams Come True by Hall And Oates. During the ceremony we had Stolen by Dashboard Confessional, You and I by Ingrid Michelson and a few others. It took a while to settle on the music we wanted in the wedding but our first dance song was decided within seconds. “Our song” *cringe* is Toothpaste Kisses by The Maccabees.
What song do you dance around the house to?
I’m not even a little bit embarrassed about the fact that this is a Taylor Swift song. I give it my absolute everything when I perform Blank Space at home.
Song you play on your headphones when out and about?
I had this pair of O’Neill Philips headphones for ages that I really loved and a while ago I broke the headband of them and they had to go in the bin. I was gutted. I had a few pairs of headphones and earphones since then but I never found a pair that I really liked. A couple of months ago I bought myself the white Marshall Major headphones
and I really love them. Anyway, because I haven’t had headphones for so long I’ve not bothered updating my iPod for quite some time so more often than not I tend to listen to The Cure.
Song you listen to when you’re angry?
This is another one that I find really hard to answer. I’m not sure if I have a habit of putting any particular song on when I’m angry. I probably used to a lot more than I do now. I have a memory of blasting this album in my room and being angry at the world about something so I’ll go with This Could Be Anywhere In The World by Alexisonfire.
Song you’d have at your funeral?
I’ve said a few different things for this at different points in my life. Some just for comedic effect, some that I’ve genuinely meant at that point in my life, none that I’d ever really want and ask people to play for me. I think something a bit light-hearted that will leave people with happy memories of me like Star Girl by McFly.
Song that makes you lose your shit at a party?
The last party I lost my shit at was our wedding. I was at the bar with Steph and just as she was paying for our drinks The Rock Show by Blink 182 came on. She threw her bank card at the boy serving her, told him she’d be back and we danced like absolute lunatics before calmly returning to the bar and getting our round.
The last song you listened to?
Like I mentioned before, I haven’t updated my iPod for a while and as a result I re-discovered Aim and Ignite by Fun. I was listening to it this morning on the way to work and the last song I actually remember listening to from it was All The Pretty Girls. As an aside Fun were the first band Tom and I ever went to see together on the first day we met properly.
Your karaoke song?
I genuinely can’t remember the last time I did karaoke. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever properly done it as an adult. That’s probably due to the fact that I can’t carry a tune in a bucket! So, I don’t really have a karaoke song although if and when All About That Bass by Meghan Trainor does come on in the pub I will perform it for everyone to see!
What song do you work out/exercise to?
This is something I have to work on. As I mentioned yesterday I don’t do exercise. So I’m totally up for suggestions for an exercise playlist that I can put together for when I do start to shift myself!
Song with the most memories attached?
This was by far the easiest question to answer in this whole tag. Well, apart from the wedding one but that’s only because that happened a few months ago. The song that has the most memories attached to it for me is the Baywatch theme tune. What a song, right? Hannah Byrne, I love you.
Song that makes you cry?
There are a couple of songs that make me cry, well not cry all the time but definitely get my thinking. Hear You Me by Jimmy Eat World is one that despite not being played at my nan’s funeral always makes me think of her.
Song you hate the most?
Everybody Hurts by REM is probably my most hated song. I am terrified of Michael Stipe and this song has been the soundtrack to a number of my nightmares. Everything about it makes my skin physically crawl.
Your favourite song of all time?
This is possibly the hardest question of the lot and I’m not entirely sure that I have an answer for it. When I first glanced over the questions I thought this would be really easy and something would just leap off the end of my tongue but I genuinely don’t know. I have a lot of favourite songs by different bands but one of all time I can’t narrow down. Right at this very moment in time I think it’s a Dashboard Confessional song, So Impossible. Yeah, I love this. It could change tomorrow, next week but right now this is it.
What do you think of my choices? Have you done this tag? Let me know in the comments.
I really like this tag – I am definitely one of those people who has certain songs they listen to when they’re in a certain mood. I love to listen to Shake It Off by Taylor Swift when I’m cleaning haha!