Bloody hell, I’m sure I say this at the end of every month but where has the time gone? It feels like only a couple of days ago that I was writing January’s Taking Stock post. As quickly as the time is going I’m glad it is though. I can’t wait for the weather to be a bit better. I don’t know about you but I am totally bored of all the layers now. I’d like to feel warm again please!
Making: lists and plans. I’ve felt a bit scattered recently so I’ve started writing everything down again and I’m starting to feel a bit better.
Cooking: Not a lot really. I’ve been wiped out quite a lot this past month so Tom has been in charge of the cooking. I need to buck my ideas up and get back in the kitchen I think.
Drinking: all of the coffee. I’ve not really been sleeping properly so I’ve been mainlining caffeine where possible.
Reading: I’ve finally finished We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves and I’m about to start The Big Lie: Motherhood, Feminism, and the Reality of the Biological Clock
fun, right?
Wanting: to hibernate for a little while. I’d love to catch up on sleep and get my head together.
Looking: forward to warmer weather.
Playing: Andrew McMahon’s entire back catalogue. I’m going to see him on Saturday and I’m pretty excited.
Deciding: that I should probably expand the colours in my wardrobe away from black and white.
Wishing: that I could keep my fringe line straight. It’s really annoying me.
Enjoying: a quiet weekend at home. I went back to Liverpool and just spent it with my parents and dog for a change. It was nice.
Waiting: for the blue to grow out of my hair and stop turning my hair green!
Liking: My new shorter fringe.
Wondering: what to do next.
Loving: planning a few outings soon. I’ve been really boring and staying in recently. Life is what happens when you go outside right?
Pondering: quite a lot of things that I’m not entirely ready to talk about with anyone yet. (Ooooh mysterious! I don’t mean to be, I just need to get them straight in my head before I can communicate them to anyone!)
Considering: signing up for a course but not knowing what in.
Watching: loads of Netflix, mostly Community
and Skins. I bloody love Community and I’ve successfully convinced Tom it’s ace too. I never watched Skins while it was on TV so I’m giving it a go all these years later. I’m actually enjoying it too.
Hoping: that I can get some wheels in motion in the plans I want to make.
Marvelling: at the self-confidence other people show. I’m feeling a bit nervous about myself and things at the minute.
Needing: a nap!
Smelling: of Chloe. I love it.
Wearing: all of the black.
Following: some of the lovely bloggers I met last week – Little Miss Winney, Georgina Does and A Typical Girl.
Noticing: that everything I want to do seems to be coinciding with each other!
Knowing: that things are getting better.
Thinking: about the future.
Admiring: all of the girl bosses.
Sorting: out my life.
Buying: more black things. I really need to get a grip.
Getting: annoyed with myself for putting imaginary barriers in my way.
Bookmarking: coats. I’m a bit obsessed at the minute.
Disliking: myself for being a bit of a dick. Not to other people, well not so much, more to myself.
Opening: a new chapter.
Giggling: at me being so bloody melodramatic above!
Feeling: so sleepy, I only had about three hours sleep last night.
Snacking: not as much. Especially since I’ve given up chocolate and bread for Lent.
Coveting: This Danielle Guizio duffel bag. I adore it.
Wishing: that I could win the lottery. I’d really like to buy a house.
Hearing: a lot of advice and working out which to take.
Gosh, I’m a moany cow this month aren’t I? Sorry about that. I don’t know what came over me. Hopefully next month I’ll be happier and less miserable.
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