I do like these Taking Stock posts and I tend to do them if I’ve had a gap in posting for a while. A little catch up on my life as such. However, I have been inspired by Pip to make them a monthly thing instead. So here is my January in a nutshell.
Making : birthday cakes. A few of my friends have had birthdays this month and I’ve been chief sponge maker.
Cooking : with vegetables. I signed up to receive Abel and Cole deliveries at the Foodies Festival before Christmas and we’ve been getting veggies we’d never even thought of before.
Drinking : water. Lots and lots of water. I’m weeing a lot!
Reading: You’re The One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher. That’s the only book I’ve finished this month. I have started We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves
, The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul
and Rock Bottom:Dark Moments In Music Babylon
but I haven’t finished them.
Wanting: to move house and buy furniture. I’m just not happy with our flat as it is and want to do loads of things to it.
Looking: for somewhere new to live and for new hair ideas.
Playing: a lot of old music. I’ve resurrected my old iPod and am enjoying some of the things I’d forgotten about.
Deciding: on how to tackle this year. I’m still struggling with it a bit, like I said here, but I’m getting to a better place to decide what plans I want to make I think.
Wishing: that I could win the lotto and have the cash to buy a house!
Enjoying: having a massive clear out. I love going through my drawers and cupboards and being ruthless.
Waiting: for it to get warmer. I’m so over the cold weather.
Liking: feeling like I have a bit more energy. I’ve been sleeping better recently and it’s having a big effect on my mood.
Wondering: what this year holds. I’m still feeling this whole “new year” thing.
Loving: that I am steadily chipping away the lbs from my weight. Trying to do it properly through portion control and sensible options rather than crash dieting.
Pondering: which of the courses I want to do would be the best place to start.
Considering: starting a new dance class.
Watching: ER from the beginning and finishing off Gossip Girl.
Hoping: that I can find a beginners dance class soon.
Marvelling: at how much I’m not dying after my first personal training session last night. Although I don’t want to speak to soon on the front!
Needing: some breakfast but Ahron has just brought Krispy Kremes into the office.
Smelling: the sweetness of the donuts next to my desk.
Wearing: all of the layers. Why is it so cold!
Following: a million and twelve interior design blogs on Tumblr.
Noticing: how loud my sneezes are. I keep frightening myself!
Knowing: that i definitely should not be shovelling this donut into my face.
Thinking: about how I need to get back into the mind-set of making good choices.
Admiring: pretty much everything on the Kate Spade website.
Sorting: out all the clutter in the flat. Everything from clothes to books to craft supplies is being sorted.
Buying: a present for Hannah whose birthday is very soon and a Christening present for George.
Getting: fitter. I’m definitely on a mission to start moving more.
Bookmarking: yoga classes for beginners on YouTube. I’m going to give them a try at the weekend.
Disliking: the fact that progress is slow.
Opening: my eyes to new opportunities. This sounds a bit hippy to be coming from me, I know, but I’ve decided to start trying a bit more.
Giggling: at how I can’t tell my right from my left when it comes to exercise.
Feeling: better about myself. Slowly.
Snacking: on Krispy Kremes… oops!
Coveting: some swish Nike trainers.
Wishing: that I could make my progress go faster.
Helping: Tom to become a bit more positive when it comes to work.
Hearing: all the music I used to listen to regularly about 5 years ago because I’ve resurrected my old iPod.
So there we go. January may not be officially over until tomorrow but we have survived! How has the first month of 2015 treated you?
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