Following on from telling you all about my obsession with lettering yesterday I couldn’t resist carrying it on today when I saw these awesome message tiles.

How gorgeous are they? I just want to plaster the flat in these beautiful little squares of fabric from Love Mae.
You get a sheet with between two and seven of each of the letters or the alphabet on so your imagination can run wild. Quotes, sayings or phrases anything you can think of you can make with these lovely little tiles. It’s just like having Scrabble tiles to play with.
Just look how cute they are as a drawer label. Things need never be misplaced again when all your storage can be named so prettily.
My first thought was to put them over the bed but I keep getting new ideas and I just don’t know which I prefer now!
If you where to get a set of these message tiles where would you put them and what would they say?
These are great! I smell a DIY.
♥ Paula Shoe Fiend.