Hi there, long time no see. I didn’t really intend to go M.I.A. the way I did but I guess it can’t really be helped. Especially not now when so much time since my last post has passed.
Anyway, big news! I had a baby. I’m sure if you know me, follow any of my social media accounts or have read this blog before you’d know that already though.
This little one right here is Cecilia. She was born, exactly one week late, at 5.28am on Monday 25th April and Tom and I are completely in love with her. Yep, that’s right, she’s a girl and all my maternal instincts that I was having a boy were completely and utterly wrong and you know what, I couldn’t be more pleased.
I’m sorry it’s taken me five and a half weeks to get round to introducing her to you but, as you can imagine, she’s turned our little world upside down. I never really understood when people said before but now I totally get it, I actually can’t remember what life was like before she was part of it. In the short time she has been on the earth she’s managed to completely take over my life. I was adamant that she would fit into my life and not the other way around but I’m completely wrapped around her minuscule little finger and my life now runs on Cece time. Not that I’m complaining, she’s bloody mega. But, I guess that’s why I’m lying in bed writing this on my iPad at 5.34 in the morning sandwiched between two snorers because I couldn’t fall back to sleep after her 4am feed. I could get up and use this time to get some stuff done (the flat is like a bomb site) or even have a hot cup of tea (a huge rarity these days) but my legs are saying no and it’s cold outside the confines of the duvet. Tom’s alarm is set to go off in twenty minutes anyway, maybe I can convince him to make me a brew before he leaves. Fingers crossed.
So yeah, once I’ve managed to pull my finger out and got back on top of the housework I should have more time to get back to blogging (when a certain Miss C is napping anyway) and I’m genuinely excited about that. I’m slowly picking back up the pieces of me that mean I’m not just Cece’s mum but an actual, real life human being too. Maybe then I’ll get that chance to make her fit my life after all. We’ll see, eh? I wonder if she’d be open to compromise…
[…] be running races and some throwing events? Or perhaps you will include some specialist things that your children are into. If they do martial arts after school, or perhaps are in a tennis club, then you could […]