Recently I’ve been spending my weekdays praying for sunshine and whole-heartedly hoping that the rain stays away. This week is following exactly the same pattern. Not just because I wish the British weather would remember that it is actually supposed to be summer but because I’m packing up the car and heading out to spend a few nights under canvas this bank holiday weekend. (Yes, I know tents aren’t made of canvas anymore but it sounds much nicer than nylon or whatever that material is.)
Tom has just returned from a week away with his friends in Devon and part of me is a little jealous. I’ve always wanted to explore the south coast but being from Liverpool meant that it was a bit too far to travel on holiday. It was often quicker to travel somewhere abroad than drive the 300 miles to visit Devon or Cornwall. Also, I was spoilt as a child. I still am.

We did have a few staycations though, they were just in Abersoch instead. I was convinced it was miles from home (it’s only in North Wales) and I felt terribly grown up being able to go down to the beach with my friends and, more importantly, without the adults. I even met my first ever boyfriend there.

Anyway, staycations in the south-west are a fairly regular topic of conversation between my mum and I. It’s somewhere we’re both dying to visit but just have never got round to. How sad is that? Also, the cream teas, right? The gorgeous people at Parkdean sent me a Cornwall themed cream tea hamper last week when my mum was visiting me and we feasted on all of the incredible yummies inside. Although, we definitely prefer our scones the Devon way. Cream then jam just works better in my head! Controversial.
I’m not sure I’ll fit in a trip down there this summer now but I’m definitely going to try to plan one for next year. I’m excited already.
You can try to win you and your family a holiday with Parkdean now by testing your knowledge on this brilliant Cornwall or Devon quiz.
Are you a staycationer? Where should I visit?
I LOVE Cornwall and Devon! My husband has a lovely friend with a house in Totnes and she rented it to us for £20 a night last May, it was WONDERFUL!!!!x
Kezzie AG
I am so very jealous!