I really love getting post. It really makes my day when I go to that little blue box under the stairs in my building and find an envelope with my name on it. (I know what you’re thinking, but I rarely get bills and bank statements through the post, I get most of them online.) It happens a lot less than I’d like it to but I guess that’s why it’s so special. The only thing that makes this small thing even better is when there are presents involved. Parcels are pretty much the most exciting thing to get in the post, even when you know what’s in it, it’s still exciting.
I’m sure you can imagine my delight when I was perusing my favourite blog, Domestic Sluttery (I am totally obsessed with this site!) and noticed that they had gone into my brain, picked out the best bits and crafted them into the most exciting thing ever. The bloody marvellous How Kapow (yes, them again) and the Domestic Sluts have teamed up to make the absolutely brilliant, Go Postal! It’s a secret gift subscription service, so for a small fee a month they’ll send you something absolutely mega in the post on the 1st and 15th of each month. What a brilliant present for someone, *ahem*me*ahem*!

From this I started thinking, and I remembered that I’d seen The Cake Nest featured on another of my favourite sites, Not On The High Street. They offer not only a monthly, but a weekly cake club by post. With six flavours to choose from you can decide what you get and in what order or just ask them to surprise you. I think I’d have to ask for surprises otherwise I might just keep picking double chocolate and Guiness and chocolate constantly.

The only thing that could really make it better would be getting cheese in the post. Mmmm I love cheese.
What is the most exciting thing you got in the post? Who would you love a postal gift service from? Who wants some cake?
That is such an amazing idea – I love the idea of getting gifts each month (for myself of course though I suppose it could be extended to friends!) x