When we moved into our flat back in March last year we were faced with a completely blank canvas. Especially as it is a new build so everything was painted white. We’re slowly getting there and making ourselves feel at home but it’s taking a little longer than I’d really like but that’s just because I’m both impatient and indecisive. Both of these things are particularly counter productive as I keep changing my mind as we start getting somewhere in a room. Luckily we haven’t painted anywhere yet so we can change things up quickly. We’re in the middle of trying to get the hallway sorted at the minute and my latest project is collecting photographs and frames to cover one wall in a rogues gallery.

This is it at the moment, looking a little sad with just five photos displayed but it’s a bit more difficult than I first imagined. I have plenty of photographs all lined up but it’s not so easy to find interesting frames to display them in.
Red Candy may be the answer to my prayers though. They have a wide range of collage and multi picture frames which mean I could have my wall covered in pictures with a fraction of the effort!

I think this is my favourite of the multi frames. I like the variation in the frames and the slight vintage feel of them. I also like that it’s not too big meaning I could put a couple of these up on my rogues gallery wall and they’d blend in really well. It would also be one way of me displaying the tiny photos my Instax camera prints! Plus it’s on sale! It was £20.40 and it’s only £18.36 at the moment.

If I wanted to take what I’ve already put up down and start again this would totally be my choice. I like that this comes as a set of two so you can put them together the way they are above or use them to bookend something else. You could even separate them completely and use them as two different multi frames. Personally I like the almost circular pattern they form when you have the pair together.

One of the things I like most about these frames is how the four smaller frames fit inside the bigger one. It would make a fantastic present to a parent or grandparent leaving the photo in the larger frame a surprise as they unpack it. The boxiness of the frames will make them stand out when they’re mounted on the wall. They look so clean and modern. The boxiness of them also means that they will easily stand up on their own too.
I’m going to continue with my gallery wall the way it’s going but I think I might by a few small multi frames to add some texture and extra interest now I’ve looked through these.
Thanks for providing valuable information on the topic. Keep posting